November 2024
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GOOD CONFESSION7/29/2024 I don't know about you but the blab it and grab it/name it and claim it works for me. I can cite many specific situations in my life and career when it feels like it's just a dream, until you invoke the Divine to work this out at His level. I have experienced countless times when the odds were stacked against me and yet I got the goods. Is this luck, accident, or coincidence? I disagree. I think that when we use our imagination for good, we get what we believe. Most of our thinking life is focused on the negative, unwanted, and what-if bad scenarios. We magnify the things that can happen negatively, to the extreme point. One bad report from the doctor could result to sleepless nights and unending anxiety. A child's flu could lead some parents to the emergency room. One deal that went wrong would drive a professional to watch her back in case she might get fired from it. There are countless times when if we're honest enough, the negative outweighs the positive thinking. These days, we need not just positive thinking but a deep awareness that what we confess with our lips comes from the quality of our mindset. Good confession comes from a good mindset. The mindset dictates how will we react to situations, those 'stuff' that happens without reason or cause. Good confession comes from our imagination, the 'inner man' in all of us. Good confession brings hope, energy, and resilience in our spirits. There were too many people in my life who were able to overcome countless obstacles because he/she believed first and foremost that he/she can deal with it and come out victorious. Good confession precedes good results. May not be the best results ever but deciding to use that experience as a springboard for the next is already a win. If you can't even muster enough conviction for yourself and life works, you can't get off the first base.
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SOME THINGS LAST FOREVER7/25/2024 I would argue that some things last forever. I inherited my grandma's electric beater which she got in 1957. It'svintage. I broke the lever one time when it crashed to the floor. It survived the crash but I can still use it. We have another newer electric beater here. After a few years, it quit and that was the end of it. Not the planned obsolescence of phones, electric gadgets, and modern appliances. Back home (in the Philippines), every thing (including umbrellas, shoes, etc.) can be fixed. A whole business is built on fixing anything at an affordable price, meaning it's cheaper to fix than to buy a new one. This has been going on for years, until we got inundated by a wave of Chinese products, which were dumped in the market for a bargain. Now, the fixing business is almost gone, except for the bigger players that have branches all over the country and can afford to stay afloat with other services being offered. The poor has always resulted in the do-it-yourself mechanism which has a whole new market for them. The rich is satiated with the latest fashion, trends, and accoutrements. Needless to say, we cherish those things that are built to last. It's a rarity now and so we marvel at the care that it took to build something that lasts. What are you building right now that would stand the test of time, the wear-and-tear, and the all the hypes and flavors-of-the-month? If my grandma's electric beater's longevity is a proof that some things do not fade away but becomes evergreen, I bet you can do more than that.
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F.R.B.7/22/2024 If there's anyone, or any thing that had hurt you in the past, for whatever reason or circumstance, you need to apply the F.R.B. PRINCIPLE. It's not the DEI/JEDI/DEIJ/DEIBJ or anything like that. This is: FORGIVE, RELEASE, AND BLESS. You are really creating the conditions for things that have harmed/hurt you to no longer have that power in your life to do so. You are creating another future that is full of grace for others and for yourself. Then you are totally free from the past and those negative feelings that came from that past. Freedom is a choice. Freedom from the past is a choice. One of my past work colleagues had a very traumatic past as an indigenous person. But no matter, how dark her past was, she was willing to rise up and choose to believe that she can overcome and accomplish her purposes in her life. On the reverse, a family member had been griping over a hurtful comment from another relative that took place decades ago. She is telling the incident as if that happened yesterday! Literally, she hasn't moved on from that episode. There is nobody to blame for this misery, but her. I just saw a post in LinkedIn about a woman who met somebody from her past employment, who bullied her as a young staff, and that person didn't even know that they've worked together before. She was still bitter about it. Can't blame her. She can advocate for better employment and working conditions and fight for respectful workplace culture in the future. But she can't do anything about that but learn the lesson and move on. She can choose to release herself from it. It doesn't matter what happened to you, it's what you do about what happened to you. If you're going to ask me, the F.R.B doesn't mention the word, 'forget.' Forget is part of the release and giving blessing. When you do that, the memory is not negative but positive. You will no longer linger on the offense. If you want to be an effective leader, a joyful person, and an individual with integrity, you can't wallow in the soup of misery by taking on a past baggage that you don't have to. This is a personal, voluntary, and internal choice you can make independent of the other actors' actions after the incident. You can see now that the benefits of this is for you to take and enjoy. Try the F.R.B. It's abundantly free. |