November 2024
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ALLIES8/26/2024 I was talking to a coordinator of a research institute a few weeks ago and we talked about how community supporters can help in bridging the academe with community issues through their involvement and advice in their institute. Good idea, right? Well, this idea is not new and had been proposed for several years but the supervisor refused to budge on the topic for various reasons: Money, adding up to work, etc. When bureaucracy says no, almost all the time, it's just protecting the status quo and eliminating any threats to its state of being. Community involvement means work but it will open up the institute to far greater input, new ideas, new partners, which will then lead to greater impact. Results are not what bureaucracies are for, in general. When questioned, they tend to have a zero vision about outcomes, impacts, or resonance with real-world issues. If our academic institutions are solely run on past successes and are afraid of building allies, then we should all be worried about our future generation!
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STOP IT!8/19/2024 As a tribute to Bob Newhart, who passed away recently, let's have a STOP IT! day. Worrying about your finances, children, job, or future, STOP IT! Not quitting smoking, alcohol, or impulse shopping, STOP IT! Been around with toxic people you can't change a bit, STOP IT! Lowering one's expectation to not feel a failure, STOP IT! Addicted to approval of others, STOP IT! Wanting to be liked, loved or adored, STOP IT! Social media obsession, STOP IT! Stop the excuses, justifications, and rationales that lead you to the path of desperation and destruction. Stop now and change the course.
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BET ON TALENT8/15/2024 I immigrated in Canada with nothing.
Okay, two luggage and a box and I stayed with my uncle for a few months until I got a job. But, during those times, I only have my past education and work experiences as my assets. The rest, I had to quickly build, such as social networks through networking, referrals, information interviews, and so on. With the fact that there were thousands of job seekers during that time, I considered my journey far less arduous than my counterparts. I got a full-time job after two months. As I was talking with a colleague of mine a few weeks ago. We realized that it's not ethnicity, religious background, accent, culture, or education that will move your career. It's about your talent, discipline, and good attitude. The fact that these components are not overly emphasized during the interview process bothered me. It's not the company DEI or their preferential treatment that will increase employee engagement. It's the overall ability of the organization to spot and nurture talent whoever they are and wherever they come from in the world. The battle for the best talent in major companies is truly the grittiest. No one know where these best talents are but if you look closer, they can come in different stripes and shapes. They are the people in your neighborhood that you wouldn't necessarily get their CVs from your employees, networks, or professional circles. If you're willing to try a newcomer for a job, they are also willing to try their destiny on you. How about that? |