November 2024
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WEAK INSTITUTIONS ARE CORRUPTIBLE3/28/2019 This is an unfair world.
A deserving student who had no pedigree or family wealth to back him/her out cannot dream of an Ivy League education or more less get it in these times. But when wealth/power overrule merit, then this country (or any country) for that matter is on its way to ruins. With the recent scandal on school admission bribery in the US, eight universities are being investigated by the US Education Department. When wealth, abuse of power, lack of accountability corrupt institutions such as colleges and universities, it showed two things: That people in power and authority that are supposed to be bastions of integrity, ethics, and high moral leadership can give in to the temptations of the job. This begs the questions about the effectiveness (ineffectiveness) of the people that should be guarding the process, ensuring clear lines of reporting and accountability, supervision, and guidance. Who are they and what were they doing when these things have been going on for years?! When institutions are weak, corruption can take its place without detection. It is allowed to be brought in by people who doesn't care about rules and equity for all. The moment greed and personal self-indulgence and selfishness rule in any place, there is no more meritocracy and respect for individual achievement through hard work and ethical performance/it is all about who can buy its own way to success and stay unscathed when the hands of justice will swing again. It's an unfair world but this has to stop now.
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BAD INPUT EQUALS BAD OUTPUT3/25/2019 You know the saying from the Bible, "bad company corrupts good character."
Well, I have more permutations along that line. Bad ideas corrupt good morals. Bad attitude corrupts good opportunities. Bad assumptions spoil the relationship. Bad appearance decreases the restaurant's value. Bad analysis creates false convictions. Bad manners dissolve good impression. Bad customer service leaves money on the table. Bad boss means high turn-over of staff. You know the drift, it goes on and on. If you have a bad input, the output wont be that far behind. If you can't take the consequences, change now before it's too late
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SWIM UPSTREAM3/21/2019 Sam Walton's (Made in America: My Story) rule No:10 is Swim upstream.
"Go the other way. Ignore the conventional wisdom. If everybody else is doing it one way, there's a good chance you can find your niche by going in exactly the opposite direction. But be prepared for a lot of folks to wave you down and tell you you're headed in the wrong way." He built the first discount store in a town with less than 50,000 population and from 1 to 8 to hundred stores in US, and now in North America and overseas. He totally proved a lot of skeptics wrong and made the competitors baffled. Walmart is truly an American success story. Reflecting on his life and experiencing the sickness brought by cancer, he bemoaned, "I don't know that anybody else has ever done it quite like me: started out as pure neophyte, learned his trade, swept the floor, rung the cash register, installed the fixtures, remodeled the stores, built the organization, etc." It takes a lot of courage to swim upstream, where there are less pathways made out for the traveller. Beware of the people that you listen to and seek counsel with, a wrong advice can drain your efforts. Commit to your enterprise and wholeheartedly believe that it will happen for you. |