February 2025
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MOVED ON2/3/2025 I just moved some of my 1,000 plus contacts from Linkedin (LI) to my email account. LI differentiated between connections and contacts. Contacts are old contacts imported from my old files. Connections are new contacts grown through LI. There's a concept of moving on that we always down play, perhaps because it comes with grief. I noticed that there are some people in my old contacts had passed on and no longer with us. Sixteen years ago, I used to work with some of them, travelling together, working with marginalized farmers and communities in the developing countries. I thought that time would never end. It was as if, I was meant for the work, and the work to me. When I moved to Canada, I've lost touch with a lot of people whom I regarded highly in my previous work. They were older back then and much older now and probably some retired. And some passed on, quietly. I can't think of anything they said, they did that wasn't congruent to who they are. They exemplified personal courage and commitment to their purpose. I learned a lot from them which is an understatement. Regardless of what they've achieved, they are truly great humans. Salut~ to them!
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DEAR BABY BOOMER, PLEASE MENTOR ME1/23/2025 Dear Baby Boomer, Can you mentor me? Based on recent reports, we will be experiencing the biggest generational wealth transfer ever imagined possible to the tune of $68 trillion from the baby boomers to succeeding generations in the next few decades. What are we waiting for? The money's got to move, right? But beyond the financial inheritance, the knowledge transfer that should take place before the baby boomers are not capable of doing that anymore from their sick beds and care facilities is more than a trillion dollars for sure. My grandmother is 95 years old. When she transferred from her independent living to the senior care facility, we inherited a few items such as cookware, the sewing machine, and some furnitures, but that's about it. And also her electric mixer (see sample image above). We haven't had everything more important downloaded yet: almost a centenarian, she had a treasure trove of stories from a deep well we can draw from, a stack of recipes that will never be resurrected in cooking unless we get it fast, and other life-altering advice which she can also dispense having lived almost a hundred years! We can't wait for the baby boomers to transfer their wealth of experience, wisdom, and knowledge. We can't wait to seek their mentorship and guidance as to how to live well for ourselves and our future offspring that honor their sacrifices and courage. We can't wait to tell them that we are inspired, looking at what they've accomplished with little in life and plenty in optimism and fortitude. We can't help but be challenged by what they're passing on for our generation to solve and restore. We can't wait to let them know that we are here for them too. Our parents, our aunts and uncles, our leaders in churches, non-profits, governments, service clubs, sports councils, schools and universities, teachers, professors, plumbers, technicians, and a whole host of baby-boomers from all industries, we know they're ready to be rehired. And for the greater task of being a mentor, coach, guide, truth-teller, sage, voice in the wilderness. What are you waiting for? Get the wealth from the know-how of the people who lived at least half of the century. You will be a million-dollar wealthy for sure. Approach a baby boomer today and ask to be mentored. Don't give up until they say yes. Deliver food in their house, scrub their balcony, carry their purses, and feed their cows or cats when they're not around. Until they say: YES.
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ARROW1/20/2025 Branding has never been that important in anyone's life until now. Whatever you do, whether you're working as an employee, working on your business, perhaps a student or a stay-at-home parent, there's nothing like having a brand that works specifically for your purpose. I was just one the phone with a friend who's looking to shift his employment to something better in terms of flexibility of the role and higher remuneration but within his field. He is thinking of having a personal website and also looking to write a book. Writing a book nowadays is as easy as ordering a product online. Self-publishing has become a billion dollar concern and that everyone can access anytime. Who has never thought of having those in the past few months or years or so? No one. Everyone does. Branding is no longer a corporate or organization's monopoly to position oneself in the marketplace. Individuals with aspirations of a more successful career or business platform are stepping up to be seen, heard, and followed. Obscurity is the number killer of inspirations. Anyone who has joined a contest knows that it takes recognition to get a publishing deal, a record deal, a million-dollar contract, and a shot to fame. Authentic branding is a major differentiator nowadays. When everyone has the same photo shots, same fashion, and same writing style using ChatGPT, it becomes boring quickly. To be different is to be your own self. There is no one in this world like you. Some will find similarities, common grounds on many areas but to be you is already taken. Your brand should represent the best of who you are, as with companies, their brand signified a promise of quality, reliability, and trustworthiness. What's your personal brand? What qualities represent who you are? The second question, how do you want these qualities projected out to the public realm? For example, as a Filipino-Canadian, my cultural heritage is something that can't be faked or imitated by someone that's not. I lived it out in the public in a way that strengthens their understanding of me and what I represent. You are bullet in the gun. You are the arrow in your brand marketing message. Whether you like or not, if you choose to play this game, be prepared to be you. To divert from who you really are, hurts your self-concept and esteem, as well as hurts your brand. Protect it, be comfortable in your own skin, and never underestimate your own worth in a noisy undifferentiated world. |