February 2025
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DELIGHT AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY3/25/2024 I just moved to a new celfone provider from one that I had for more than 3 years now.
The agent presented a better price, better service, better features, and overall ease with the move. I was convinced easily. Plus I didn't get charged for a connection fee. The best is that he knows who is he talking to: small business owners who are always on the lookout for better communications to power their businesses. The admirable part of it is that he got my data from the thousands of subscribers and zeroed in on what the segment I represented really needs. Their competitor had no clue as to what happened just that one subscriber out. We could be in thousands until it's too late for them to figure out what was going on. It's not rocket side to please a customer. You have these things and the switch will happen. Don't let your valuable partner, donor, or customer switch and disappear out of the blue. Mere satisfaction is a given. But surpassing expectations and finding out what would delight them at every stage of their relationship with you is the challenge.
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FABRICATED FEAR3/18/2024 Do you experience distress, fear, anxiety, guilt or shame over the future of the planet? While the feeling is legitimate for some people, debunking the doom and bust future scenario should delegitimize the concept behind this paranoia. Marketers and governments and cause-oriented groups milked the concept of a dystopian future where a zero-sum game of extinction or paradise is logically untenable. In reality, we will continue to face not just climatic changes but overall fundamental devastation of the environment due to wanton abuse and degradation. Lower-level island nations will experience more extreme weather hazards. Unless things change. Global governance systems have been stuck for many years. The political will to protect the oceans, forests, land, and the systems of commons is too weak and volatile, hostage to narrow interests. Capitalist growth-oriented economics do not respect nature and its regenerative requirements. There are people that are suspected to commit arson in the forests and blame it on climate change. There are marketers and propaganda agents seriously laughing their way to the bank because they help overexaggerate the zero-sum claims of climate doom. If you're really afraid and anxious about this, go get yourself checked. It may not be the climate fuelling this mental health issue but could be part of larger symptom of a societal neuroses being played out on ordinary people like you and me.
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AGENDA-FREE3/14/2024 If you really want to build connections, you don't need an agenda. I have been going to meetings with my stakeholder, agenda-free. To most people this is counter-intuitive. But in recent years, I noticed an increase in more connectedness just because I'm not selling any widget, app, product, service, 50/50 tickets, a cause, or an agenda. I'm sharing my lessons learned, my insights gained from working with other organizations, some perspectives that could help them on the spot, and lots of valuable operational details they can help co-create with me. I'm being present, focused, and light. They don't want to be sold, they want to be heard. They want to be part of what your trying to be build- your raison d'etre. Don't come knocking down doors with some prescription. It's not going to work. They will clamp down and leave the discussion before it's ended. You wouldn't know the extent of the issues until you listen and ask some questions. Build connections that can outlast your own little agenda, that could multiply in many directions, business or personal or both. Come as a stranger and leave as a vital partner. You will never lose that way. |