February 2025
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START RIGHT1/13/2025 Check your past-centric attitude on the door when you get into the new year. New Year can mean a new slate, if you ever wish that to be true for you. Whatever the hype related to the new year is, I personally feel that it's a blessing to be alive to embrace another 365 days. What are you equating your worth this past 12 months? Money in the bank Partnerships Opportunities Increased visibility and recognition Perhaps personal well-being and health Or a newfound adventure Whatever that is, the key to a successful start is to drop the last year's trauma and disappointments, and turn a new leaf by keeping a positive disposition. You will never see the possibilities in front of you if you're so concerned about what you did/didn't do yesterday or the perception of others. The only perspective that will help in this new year is your own self-worth: that you're enough for the tasks that lie ahead of you. And self-worth, ladies and gentleman, is strengthened by every day's work of showing up and fulfilling what you have promised yourself to do, giving enough room for flexibility. As in all the areas of life, the rest will be muscle memory. That's the secret to a strong start.
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THE HIGHER VIEW10/7/2024 Last weekend, we went to the local corn maze sponsored by our electric provider in our region. The family event was a big hit, probably close to a 100 people came out with their kids. We did the rounds which seemed unending at the beginning but there were those ramps, which are regarded as observation decks for someone who needed to have an aerial view of their location vis-à-vis the nearest exit. The apps won't do and the navigational signs can be confusing. The shortcuts made by walkers can also be misleading. You can hear the sounds from the exits/sides but the sounds wont tell you much. A quick ascent to the ramps solved the problem. What are you doing to provide clarity which leads to ease and sense of confidence within your organization? What perspective do you provide when everyone is operating on their 'little corner' and being overly protective of their turfs? What higher view can you present to solve the issues of myopic perspectives and routine reflexes in decision-making? Who provides those ramps to elevate your discussion into strategic and transformational conversations that you wouldn't want to miss? The higher view could be a better view.
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SOME THINGS LAST FOREVER7/25/2024 I would argue that some things last forever. I inherited my grandma's electric beater which she got in 1957. It'svintage. I broke the lever one time when it crashed to the floor. It survived the crash but I can still use it. We have another newer electric beater here. After a few years, it quit and that was the end of it. Not the planned obsolescence of phones, electric gadgets, and modern appliances. Back home (in the Philippines), every thing (including umbrellas, shoes, etc.) can be fixed. A whole business is built on fixing anything at an affordable price, meaning it's cheaper to fix than to buy a new one. This has been going on for years, until we got inundated by a wave of Chinese products, which were dumped in the market for a bargain. Now, the fixing business is almost gone, except for the bigger players that have branches all over the country and can afford to stay afloat with other services being offered. The poor has always resulted in the do-it-yourself mechanism which has a whole new market for them. The rich is satiated with the latest fashion, trends, and accoutrements. Needless to say, we cherish those things that are built to last. It's a rarity now and so we marvel at the care that it took to build something that lasts. What are you building right now that would stand the test of time, the wear-and-tear, and the all the hypes and flavors-of-the-month? If my grandma's electric beater's longevity is a proof that some things do not fade away but becomes evergreen, I bet you can do more than that. |