February 2025
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PRE-EMPTIVE SOLUTION1/15/2025 My husband's mouth was swollen for weeks. A simple extraction turned into a nightmare. He was given anti-infection medications too late. This shouldn't have happened if the dentist was more proactive in prevention strategies and not have the wait-and-see attitude towards the treatment. Opposite to that was my case last year. My surgeon was very diligent with all medications, prior to, during, and after the treatment. She was on top of all the precautionary measures to ensure that post-treatment issues, if these do come up were dealt before the onset. Some solutions are way too late if the thinking is always, a 'wait-and-see', especially in areas where issues have a high rate of emergence even with the best of techniques and systems. Outside the medical realm of life and death, organizations, small or large, should be reminded that there are issues that can be prevented such as huge repairs that can be dealt through maintenance checks, due diligence for high-risks transactions and engagements, including public image/repute, and those issues related to accountability can be handled through policy implementation and on-going supports. Keep your finances in good form and your people centred and engaged on your mission. Some problems such as the fire in Los Angeles are not problems that just came out of the blue. It took years for these vulnerabilities and weaknesses to fester and eat the whole system until a massive conflagration erupts can't be stopped by just mere firefighting. For the purpose-centric organizations, a small disaster can end your organizational life. Don't wait for the shit to be blow up on your face. Keep your ship in tiptop shape everyday. Prevention is always less expensive and trauma-free in the long run, too.
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YOU ARE NOT YOUR FEELINGS11/28/2024 i There has been a uptick on people feeling shame and embarrassment in failing in public.
As long as you're not persona non grata for very bad reasons, chin up. I was in a mentoring program a few weeks ago, this question popped up from a group of passionate social venture founders. This amazed me because the group is doing good doing the right things. When this question came up, I thought that it's one of these few factors. Self-esteem issue and the need to be validated publicly. If no validation comes in, the down-side of too much introspection kicks in and putting blame on oneself needlessly becomes the go-to. There's too much sharing in the public sphere. If you're working on some new schemes or pivots, the world has no business knowing, except those few people who should be informed. Shame is a sign that there must be something we have done wrong either by commission or omission. If it's about failure or missing the mark as a business person or career professional without being criminally liable or being in the wrong of side of professional conduct, there's no need for this unhealthy feeling. As what I've heard lately from the social media grapevine, "This issue doesn't care about your feelings." "The world doesn't care about what you feel." "Your feelings are not you." I may add to these too. "Your feelings do not reflect who you are as a person and what you are capable of achieving " Stop feeling ashamed by failing. Get used to it. No one's making a tally. Chin up.
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FALSE NARRATIVES11/4/2024 Some of these false narratives that I heard lately include: If you're not scaling up, you're not growing. Growth doesn't mean scaling up. Scaling up doesn't mean profitable growth, competency growth, and growing sustainably. Don't obsess about scaling up when your current systems are broken and needs fixing. This is too much for a non-profit organization to ask. Leadership development is not too much. Being sustainable financially is key to survival and thriving is never too much to ask. It's not too much when a little step in the right direction is always something that can be done. We have to stand for Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion. Yes but not its extreme ideological wokism, which created more harm in communities, pitted people against each other, and invoked guilt and shame to the white people, as if it's their fault that they're born white is not cool. Guilting others is not a good foundation for accountability and responsibility, either. The removal of meritocracy leads to equity. It doesn't. It leads to nepotism and dynasty (Woodbridge).We need more meritocracy, not less meritocracy to tackle the problems we faced in our institutions. Information is truth. Information is just information. The interpretation, scope, and manufacturing of information could lead to truth or untruth. Think Facebook Algorithms' fuelling the Rohingya crisis. Those who voted for Trump are pro-Nazis. Wait, this is getting too much. Are you really sure what you're talking about? Those who voted for Trump deserve some respect too. They have a different opinion on American society and they use the power of the vote to make things happen the way they see it. Move on. We live in the dark age of misinformation and untruths. These narratives are insidiously wrong, pretending to be right or pandering to a set of agenda unceasingly. Wake up! Check out the messenger, the intentions and the motives behind. If it doesn't sound right, it could be a lie. Wake up! |