September 2024
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THE GRACE OF AGING9/16/2024 There is nothing in this world that will not age or become obsolete. Somehow, somewhere the hands of time will follow its natural order. My daughter told me a few days ago that I have a lot of greying hair. It's a fact that I have been greying since I was 18! Truth be told as we age we face different challenges from different seasons of our lives. Ageism is one thing. Building a legacy is another. Finding your car keys is another point. Supporting your parents while taking care of the young ones is a juggling act. Growing old is a blessing and a gift. You'll never know really if you'll reach 50, 60, 90, or 100. My grandmother who passed away at the age of 94 quietly slipped away contented. She was ready to go since the age of 85! But everyday that accounts for your grey hair means wisdom. Forty is the new 30, and so on and so forth. It's the attitude that determines everything. A life devoid of shame, guilt, and self-imposed misery is the goal to be had. Ageing usually comes with maturity and maturity is loving oneself and fully accepting those things that you cannot change. There is freedom, levity, and groundedness in aging gracefully. We are all aging past our first birthday, anyway regardless of what we do about it. The question is: Does our everyday lead to grace?
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THE SIMPLE WAY7/15/2024 She just cried her heart out. Cried lots of tears. Not sad tears, but fear tears, overwhelm tears, frustration tears. I was in a women's networking event hosted by a CEO of a company that's helping business women/CEOs with their digital business. One of the attendees, just cried while talking about a podcast she had to do. She had to plan, organize, and put on air. The deadline was almost there and she hadn't accomplished much. We all put in the chat box. We hear you. We can relate. We understand the same feelings as any business owner will do. The pain of starting, overwhelm, juggling lots of things, feeling imperfect. Feeling not-put-together and better organized. We sent lots of 'love' icons. I believe she cried for all of us in the room. There was no word to express the profound effect that had on us. She cried for all those that are trying and tried but failed, or tried but not seeing the results immediately. She cried for all of those in the chat room who are just waiting for that breakthrough, within grasp but still felt distant. A few years ago, I've come to know this academic woman who is now a speaker, author, and great achiever. After her speech in a conference I attended, she said that she met Deepak Chopra and just cried on his shoulder. Like an ugly cry. Meltdowns will be more frequent if we keep on adding to the plate. I observe the Pareto principle- 20% of effort will drive 80% of your results. I go straight to the source of business. If it's too indirect, or just a maybe, I won't do it. That's the simple way. Let's just do 1-2 things we are very excellent at. Forget about the gurus who don't do what they preach. Let's get back to the basic and enjoy the peace of mind and mental health. After all, this is a marathon, not a sprint. And being rich is literally means being whole.
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SMALL ANNOYANCES7/3/2024 I've just read this interesting article on why most of us postpone taking action or dealing with the issue or situation for far too long until the pain, suffering or consequences of inaction are too large to dismiss, endure, or deny. The psychologists called it, the region-beta paradox. Why small annoyances can harm us more than big disruptions | Psyche Ideas Together with status quo bias, this paradox create an interesting situation for those that have to make a decision to deal with the situation even though, it's just mildly annoying. Everyone's beta-region is different and that not all of these scenarios will accrue to more harm in the future. Leaders, managers, and those in authority over organizations, it takes wisdom, lots of experience, and sensing to distinguish what discomforts in the organization should be dealt with immediately and those other annoyances that should be left alone. |