October 2024
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REALITY BITES11/29/2018 You might have heard 'business is a contact sport.'
No amount of preparation will be enough once you get punched in the face. Then the rest is up to your training, background, experience, insight, prior knowledge, and correct assessment of the situation. Using common sense, learning on the fly, being adaptive, flexible, and creative will get you through some of the business challenges that are out there. When you know that things that are coming and did not prepare, you deserve a kick in the butt. But some things come from nowhere and will leave you totally unprepared. These types of scenario are the ones that no amount of preparation will be sufficient. Take heed, learn everything you need to learn, and take counsel from those that have been there and been successful, not the armchair advisors. To mitigate the risks and weather the storm, your present response matters a lot.
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YOUR THEORY OF CHANGE11/26/2018 Your Theory of Change is your organization's statement as to how your mission will achieve your vision.
What constitutes an effective Theory of Change? -Clear causal chains leading to change -Your inputs, outputs, and outcomes reflect the change -Explains the underlying assumptions of actions, activities, programs, and portfolios -Gives explanations to other factors leading to or achieving change -Gives analysis and context of how change can happen and in what conditions -Accounts for their contribution to the overall change that they want to see The theory of change is not: -About defending the theory or framework itself -Not about being truistic or being tautological -Being naïve that your theory of change is unique and never been done somewhere, somehow -Not learning from lessons of other practitioners, not looking over your shoulder to see what others' have done with the challenges and issues - Too simplistic, myopic, and mechanistic - The premise that we 'don't know the solution yet, so our theory of change is about proving the theory." Very wrong. What is your theory of change? Your theory of change says a lot about the quality of the analysis you put in your work and how it makes a difference every day?
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PLANTING THE SEED OF CONSCIOUSNESS11/21/2018 In the Philippines, we have a traditional song that goes....
"Planting rice is never fun" "Bent from morn till the set of sun" "Cannot stand and cannot sit" "Cannot walk for a little bit" It is not fun at all when you have a water buffalo that wanted to do something else! Life in rural Philippines had changed dramatically but in very remote locations, you can see a farmer with his buffaloes. I don't know about you but planting the seeds of consciousness starts with preparing the mindset for a new thinking, acting, and doing. It is laying the ground work for future action that will take place in not so distant future. It happens in organizations that are thinking strategic, thinking long-term, and thinking about investing further along. Managers need to think carefully how to set the stage, create an environment where the status quo is no longer adequate to account for challenge, let alone, to compete effectively. The best scenario is the one that comes from the decision-makers themselves and this goes not by serendipity but by actually nurturing and creating those needs for action, the ownership will be there, and of course, the resourcing will never be behind. Leading from behind is more art than science. Let your nudge take them where you want them to go. |