February 2025
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THE HIGHER VIEW10/7/2024 Last weekend, we went to the local corn maze sponsored by our electric provider in our region. The family event was a big hit, probably close to a 100 people came out with their kids. We did the rounds which seemed unending at the beginning but there were those ramps, which are regarded as observation decks for someone who needed to have an aerial view of their location vis-à-vis the nearest exit. The apps won't do and the navigational signs can be confusing. The shortcuts made by walkers can also be misleading. You can hear the sounds from the exits/sides but the sounds wont tell you much. A quick ascent to the ramps solved the problem. What are you doing to provide clarity which leads to ease and sense of confidence within your organization? What perspective do you provide when everyone is operating on their 'little corner' and being overly protective of their turfs? What higher view can you present to solve the issues of myopic perspectives and routine reflexes in decision-making? Who provides those ramps to elevate your discussion into strategic and transformational conversations that you wouldn't want to miss? The higher view could be a better view.
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WHY ARE YOU SUCCESSFUL?9/23/2024 You have to ask yourself, regularly, this question: Why are you successful? What are the causes of your success? Success could mean growth, self-improvement, societal contribution or impact, legacy, building and nurturing something that will last, financial gain, security, worldwide appeal, etc. whatever that is. The Whys of success will encourage you to look deeper into the patterns: The mindset that propelled that; The right behaviours you used; The attitude exercised; When you're successful once, you can replicate it many times over. The method of arriving at that could be modified or changed according to your bandwidth, market response, or external factors such as cooperation or approval of others. A lot of experts would say, that you need to give yourself the permission to be successful. A lot of people doesn't know even that they're successful. They keep on going in circles comparing themselves with others and undermining their own gifts and inherent advantages. When I get asked this question, I always go back to the beginning when I was starting. The journey is worth every step and is far greater than the momentary thrills of those moments. The key to success is when to know you're successful and hone in on those areas that led you down that path and never let it go.
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GOOD CONFESSION7/29/2024 I don't know about you but the blab it and grab it/name it and claim it works for me. I can cite many specific situations in my life and career when it feels like it's just a dream, until you invoke the Divine to work this out at His level. I have experienced countless times when the odds were stacked against me and yet I got the goods. Is this luck, accident, or coincidence? I disagree. I think that when we use our imagination for good, we get what we believe. Most of our thinking life is focused on the negative, unwanted, and what-if bad scenarios. We magnify the things that can happen negatively, to the extreme point. One bad report from the doctor could result to sleepless nights and unending anxiety. A child's flu could lead some parents to the emergency room. One deal that went wrong would drive a professional to watch her back in case she might get fired from it. There are countless times when if we're honest enough, the negative outweighs the positive thinking. These days, we need not just positive thinking but a deep awareness that what we confess with our lips comes from the quality of our mindset. Good confession comes from a good mindset. The mindset dictates how will we react to situations, those 'stuff' that happens without reason or cause. Good confession comes from our imagination, the 'inner man' in all of us. Good confession brings hope, energy, and resilience in our spirits. There were too many people in my life who were able to overcome countless obstacles because he/she believed first and foremost that he/she can deal with it and come out victorious. Good confession precedes good results. May not be the best results ever but deciding to use that experience as a springboard for the next is already a win. If you can't even muster enough conviction for yourself and life works, you can't get off the first base. |