January 2025
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BEYOND THE RAINBOW8/29/2022 It's now almost the end of summer and the remainder of the year looks very near. Harvest time will be in full swing. COVID19 and Monkeypox will soon plateau. The Ukraine crisis will end and that the supply chain problems will dissipate. Organizations will know that they can't rely on prior performance, methods, and technologies to propel them to the future which is now. Executives will be busy gathering what they have learned from two years of crisis to rewrite their own playbook. In the midst of all of these, the rainbow (from the Bible) represents renewal, a promise of commitment to never again a massive deluge will cover the whole earth. What I see with the rainbow, is what lies behind it. There is another day, another week, another year for us to work on. Seize the chance to make sure that what you focus on gets you to the next level. A friend of mine has won a PhD scholarship award from him and his wife. His wife and baby is now in another country on a another scholarship. Their lives was torn apart by civil war and a repressive regime. This challenge did not deter them obviously. Cheers to many people whose lives are being transformed and renewed through courage, determination, and persistence. They have seen the worst but decided to honor what is the best for themselves, for others, and for humanity.
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VIRTUE SIGNALLING8/17/2022 This is getting way too much. A company just signed on to sponsoring meals for the homeless and put it out on Linkedin. Another one hired their first Black staff in the team as part of the #Blacklivesmatter. The CEO posted his video crying that he has to dismiss his workers because of tough times. I have seen a woman saying that she overcame racism, bullying, gaslighting in the past and now very successful in a skimpy outfit. Another organization is looking for a DEI specialist to help them set up a strategy their own but the qualifications include BIPOC, indigenous, etc. Why this is unacceptable? It's all for a show. If companies are really serious about diversity, equity, and inclusion, it shows not in the strategy but how everything is about DEI. If companies are truly into social impact, it should show in the business model, not just corporate philanthropy and 'looking good.' Why only Black, or indigenous or BIPOC? If it's mean to achieve equity, set far greater inclusion standards where all racialized population can benefit. Don't put all these values on your website you'll never practice. It's better for you to under promise and over deliver. Remove the performative. Let's all be real.
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YOU MUST BE GOOD8/9/2022 I have heard this several times, and every time I know exactly what's going to happen next. But, your rate is high. But, I just don't think it's the right timing. But, we are having a major reorganization right now. But, we just hired two people full time for this. But, I just don't know if we have the budget. But, I can't guarantee you she would give you time to meet. But, I'm not the decision-maker here. But, we hired two consultants recently. But, I have to consult first, figure out what we want and get back to you. But, the Board decided we will do x,y,z first before taking this process. Excuses. Excuses. Excuses. When you don't want to buy, there are many reasons. Some are valid enough, and some are concoctions to get the person out of the door. It boils down to trust. For the seller, build trust no matter. Relationship comes first. If they're not the right buyers, walk away with your head high. |