February 2025
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FAILURE TO TRY12/13/2018 A lot of businesses, ventures, initiatives, projects do not even get implemented. They were trashed even before they were tried and tested.
People who have tried at least can examine and explore the courage that they have. No amount of preparation can really prepare you to all the things that you will encounter when it hits reality. At least the courage that you developed will be something that will help you build that muscle to create, dream, and fulfill those things that you want to happen in your business, life, and career. Taking the initial step is very important. Being self-absorbed will not get you learn faster from your mistakes and initial 'oops.' Postponing action is the worst that can happen, when inaction is more convenient but potentially lethal to what you want to accomplish. Failing to try is the worst of all. Give yourself the chance to learn, adapt, and manage the complexities of your endeavor, before you have the right to throw in the towel. But for some, giving up is not an option. It is all up to you.
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EVOLUTION IS INEVITABLE12/11/2018 No matter how good you are, how best you are in your field, if you are not evolving and learning everyday, your business, organization, or skillset will hit atrophy and will fall by the wayside of the fast-evolving marketplace.
The market is as brutal as it is. It does not care if you are bankrupt, or starving or needing affirmation. It only wants the best that you can offer. The kind of service, product, skills, and talent that the market can appreciate and pay. Will you be those that will be take waves when the market is at the peak or those that wait until the innovation has plateaued and you become the laggards and late bloomers? Do you take innovation by the horn and say "we will innovate now before we get disrupted?" or say " let's take our time, we are fine right now and there is no need to rock the boat?". The latter are the words of doom. It spells trouble in the long term for the convenience of the present. Evolve or disappear in the marketplace. That is how tough you need to play because the market does not wait for anybody to be convinced. It is there for the taking for those that are smart, nimble, aware, and ever-present of opportunities and challenges. They ride on the crest of what is possible. Do not be complacent about where you are in your career. It is not at ticket to a great retirement or a way to pat yourself that life has been good. It can change anytime and only disrupted workers are bitter workers. If you have to end it well, end it on your terms. The way to live to is to have plans for the next steps. Nothing is so stable now that cannot be moved.
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STAND LIKE A ROCK12/7/2018 There's a saying, in matters of principles, stand like a rock, in matters of taste, stand like a bamboo (that's my way of putting it!).
The world will throw everything at you, even the toilet sink if you permit it. When it comes to your principles and values, stand firm and do not compromise. Norms and trends may change overtime, creating polarized societies that come from very extreme positions. But values of compassion, kindness, generosity, civility, justice, and fairness -all these things make up for better people, better societies, better citizens. Fairness and justice are words spoken easily but hard to advocate and reflect in your own life. It is not about the money. It is not about exacting revenge or causing aggravation. It is about claiming what is due, no more, no less. It is about saying, "there is no real peace or moving on, or forgiveness, or reconciliation, when there is no real justice." And real justice is elusive in this day and age. But when we all aspire to become just, fair, and peaceful, there is always room for dialogue, for meeting of the minds, where win-win is possible. |