February 2025
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STOP ADAPTING7/17/2019 The hot topic nowadays is being adaptive-adaptive thinking, adaptive leadership, adaptive processes, adaptive-whatsoever.
Heeding the call for being adaptive runs the risk of being on the passive, reactive, reactionary, and totally clueless side of the equation. Your buttons are always on 'fire' adapting to changes in circumstances, events, and external forces beyond your control or imagination. With a leak on the roof, you can be adaptive by getting a bucket to catch the leak. But with proper roof inspection and monitoring, you know that you can even be ahead of the game and prevent it from occurring. Strategic thinking trumps the safety net of adaptation. It clarifies the problems/challenges that needed to be addressed, increases the intelligence about solutions and opportunities, and looks out for effective mechanisms/vehicles to reach the intended objectives. Don't confuse strategy with planning as plans do not survive at the end of the planning day. It is the strategic work that should help you and your organizations design your next best move given the environmental changes and forces detrimental to your success. Adaptation cannot mine opportunities, it relies on present capacities and analysis and current problem-solving, only with the best strategy can bring out the innovation in organizations and individuals. Start innovating and stop adapting.
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CHANGE WHEN YOU WANT IT7/15/2019 It's good to learn from a client that they want to improve, change for the better, reach the next stars, and continuously innovate. But when pressed on specific issues that needed to be dealt with, they get tongue-tied.
Change is only a mantra when people do not want to change, whether this is for individuals, groups, or organizations. They think disruption is the 'new name' for change. Yet, before you can disrupt you have to improve the way business is done in the first place. Some of them do not want any help. Some of them live in quiet desperation trying to do everything they are not equipped and not supposed to be doing. Some of them try to do things ending in disastrous results. If you are not ready for change, face the mirror and be honest about it. No one can force you to change if you don't want it. Not in a million years with million-dollar coaches!
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WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO LOSE?7/15/2019 I was at the Lacombe Field Day yesterday learning about different crop varieties and the beauty and challenges of raising the "next best" variety that farmers and producers can use. The climate, time of planting, the "best use" are some of the variables that interplay in the selection of the variety that will correspond to the specific needs of the industry, whether they are farmers, processors, investors, seed growers, and end users. Agronomy is not for the faint of heart.
Surrounded by scientists, agronomists, farmers, students, and industry leaders, one session leader asked, "you want high yield, high protein content, maturity, stability, good disease package, then, you want it all. You can't have it all. What are you willing to lose? We can't have it all, although pop culture, movies, songs, and fiction books parade a cornucopia of pipe dreams that are only good for watching. There is no such thing as a spectator in life and business. There are clear choices and options you must make. What are your musts and what are your wishes? Learn to distinguish them in your important negotiations and decisions. |