September 2024
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SALUTE TO THE MIGHTY WOMEN3/7/2018 March 8 marks the International Women’s Day. Today I honour and salute the mighty women of my life. Without them I will not be here right now and enjoying my life and whatever success that I have. This is long overdue!
To my grandmother who helped raise me and my siblings. She was fierce, strong, bold, wise, and full of energy about life. She had always something to say about life and us wanting to get a degree and have a better life than her. And you will know when you did something wrong! She can talk for hours and hours and hours! To my mother, who had single-handedly put us all to school, thank you. She is the most hard-working, persevering, and talented person I have ever met and will continue to hold up in that place. Her life is a symbol of loving sacrifice. She paved the way for us to reach our dreams and goals in life. And more than that, she exemplified tenacity and at best determination in the midst of many adversities. To my sister for being the best friend, role model, playmate, and confidante I always have. She has taught me a lot of tips, tricks, strategies about many things. She is strong, brave, compassionate, and wise. Always a big support and would be the first to be along my side in times of need. To my teachers mostly women since Grade 1; they were kind, compassionate, supportive, very skilled, wise, and inspiring! They have seen the potential way before it had manifested. To my daughter, by being yourself, you have made me a better person, cook, singer, dancer, storyteller, playmate, organizer, first-aider, comforter, parent, and best friend. I learned that I have more patience that I can ever imagine to have. To all my women mentors, you know who you are. For most part of my career, I have stumbled upon or sometimes sought your advice, opinion, insights, strategies, and wise counsel. Thank you! To my fellow workers and sisters in social change movements, I take my hat off for the many good things you do everyday in your families, communities, networks, and organizations. Let’s pave the way for the next generation of women leaders by making this world a better place than the one we have. Who are the mighty women in your life? Let them know you are forever grateful. If you're interested to deep dive into your strategy, change, leadership, and impact issues, reach out to me at [email protected]. Don't wait for the perfect time, situation, or budget. Join my free e-newsletter.
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